Last additions - Black Darter
Black Darter-Sympertrum danae382 viewsJul 22, 2009
Black darter292 viewsOozeSep 19, 2008
Black darter302 viewsThis poor fellow had got itslef stuck in the slimy oozeSep 19, 2008
Emerging black darter337 viewsNot normally a good time to touch a dragonfly but this was actually a bit of a rescue . Some very very heavy rain during the night had (I think) battered this emerging dragonfly off its reed and onto the surface of the water, resting on semi-exposed weed. We thought it was dead and picked it up. When this picture was taken I was not sure what to do with it, normally I think the larval skin(exuvia) would be attached to something like a reed so I held it for a minute and the dragonfly pulled itself out.Aug 17, 2008
Emerging black darter349 viewsIn my opinion one of the most amazing things to watch in the world. A butterfly spends weeks sometimes pupating but a dragon or damselfly crawl up a reed at night, and then over a few hours crawls out of its larval skin, inflates and is a dragonfly. Aug 17, 2008
Emerging black darter323 viewsAbout 3/4 of the way through the miraculous emergence that every dragonfly has to go through. Aug 17, 2008
Black darter313 viewsAug 11, 2008
Black darter319 viewsA detail showing the yellow spots/marks on the side of the thorax, black legs and black V shape on the thorax behind the eyes which are all things to notice to id the black darter when it is yellow. The common and ruddy darter are similar but don't have all of these key markings.Aug 11, 2008
Black darter-sympetrum danae309 viewsAug 09, 2008
Black darter-sympetrum danae307 viewsAug 09, 2008
318 viewsAug 09, 2008
Black Darters312 viewsMating- the one bend round under is the female.Aug 09, 2008
Black darter-sympetrum danae311 viewsJul 28, 2008
Black darter-sympetrum danae311 viewsJul 28, 2008
Black darter320 viewsJul 21, 2008
314 viewsJul 21, 2008
310 viewsJul 21, 2008
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